Mycena Cyanorrhiza For Sale
Mycena Cyanorrhiza For Sale is a small white mushroom which has blue colors. Unlike hallucinogenic mushrooms, the blue color is not related to psilocin polymerization. It grows in forests on wood and has a white spore print.
Mycena Cynorrhiza is a distinct mushroom because it is small and white, with a blue base. They mostly grow in the forest, on wood, and the spore prints are also white. They are still called hallucinogenic mushrooms though not all contain Psilocybin.Mycena Cyanorrhiza For Sale
Some Mycenae is edible while some are not, and they are too small to be added to cooking. The blue staining at the base of the Mycena Cyanorrhiza indicates Psilocybin though not all mushrooms, even in the same spot, have these blue hues.
This mushroom reaches only a few centimeters in diameter. They frequently grow in sub-alpine regions because they like wood debris. The Psilocybin is the cause of their blue base though they are not as potent as other mushrooms. Finding one in the forest is a prize for anyone foraging because they are delicate kinds of mushrooms.
The pileus is about two to five mm. across and is covered with a gelatinous convex pellicle. It is colored translucent and pale brown when young but becomes white with age.
It is about nine to 14 mm, towards the stripe. There are times when it becomes relatively broad or narrow. It is whitish or grey with a whitish edge. It is separable like an elastic-tough thread.
The stipe is flexuous and hollow, but the bulb is bulbous and is coloured pale grey to hyaline-white. The base is sky blue, which is springing from a white fibril.
The spores are pip-shaped and slightly elongated and smooth. The mushroom has no taste and odour.
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