Buy Psilocybe Allenii
Buy Psilocybe Allenii is a highly active mushroom species that is super fast and aggressive fungi. We are really excited about this species and we were able to beat the slugs to most of the patch this year. :). This would be considered a sister species to the very potent psilocybe azurescens and psillocybe cyanescens. It’s a cold weather, outdoor, outdoor highly potent species like its sisters.
Psilocybe Allenii was named after famous enthomycologist John Allen who dedicated over 30 years of his life to psilocybe mushrooms and wrote many books, papers and analysis on these sacred fungi from all over the world.
Habitat: Wood debris, landscaped areas
Climate: Temperate
Strain Origin: California, USA
Cap: 20 – 40+ mm in diameter, convex to broadly convex to plane at maturity. Very light brown maturing to light yellow to greyish white upon drying. Surface viscid. Flesh white soon bruising bluish green.
Stem: 30 – 70+ mm in length, yellowish. Flesh dramatically bruising bluish green where injured. Partial veil cortinate sometimes leaving an annular zone.
Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming purplish brown in maturity.
Spores: 10.5-13.0 microns, Purplish brown, subellipsoid.
A man brewed a tea from “magic mushrooms” and injected the concoction into his veins; several days later, he ended up at the emergency department with the fungus growing in his blood.
The man spent 22 days in the hospital, with eight of those days in the intensive care unit (ICU), where he received treatment for multisystem organ failure. Now released, he is still being treated with a long-term regimen of antibiotic and antifungal drugs, according to a description of the case published Jan. 11 in the Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.
The case didn’t reveal whether injecting shroom tea can cause persistent psychoactive effects, as sometimes seen when people ingest the fungus orally, the doctors wrote in the report.
For example, in rare cases, people can develop a condition called hallucinogen-induced persisting perception disorder (HPPD), where they experience vivid flashbacks of their trip long after the fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
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